EhhLang Help

Hello Ehh Program

Let's start with the grand tradition of any programming language – the Hello World!!! moment. But here, it's more like Hello Ehh!!!

ehh { width: 840 height: 480 background: 0, 0, 0 output: "HelloEhh.png" } text { fontScale: 5 thickness: 5 color: 255, 255, 255 position: 100, 100 text: "Hello Ehh!!!" }


Hello Ehh

In here, the object ehh is used to define the information of the image to create. In above example, 840x480 image is defined with background color black and the output will be saved in the png file named HelloEhh.png

Object text is added with fontscale 5, thickness 5 with color white at position (100,100) with text Hello Ehh!!!

Last modified: 25 February 2024